Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pawsome Deelight--New Song

Yes, so I just recorded a LOVELY new song for my dog's band called 'Pawsome Deelight' (( Yes my TWO dogs [[Sunshine D. Miller && Heidi R. Palmer]] do have a band, and now I'm bringing little Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Hilton Reivers the first into it as well. I just featured her on the track titled 'EZ Breezy' its VERRY hot.

My dog Sunshine portrays a gangsta rapper by the stage name of 'Purple Tongue' and Heidi portrays an R&B goddess by the stage name of 'Lil Twinkie'

Galleria, however, has her name 'Galleria Boucree' due to the fact that that is her modeling name and I refuse to change it for every career, then it would become pointlessly confusing. They are actuallly doing very well for a project that I just did for fun. People...erm...dogs, want them to have an album!

Of course Sheila Hilton would be HAPPY to do this for her loves =]]].

I'm sure you all would be estatic to know that I no longer have any feelings towards 'Trey & Frank'. I'm trying my best to get off of the hatred on 'Franchesca' but that's a work in progress...>:\

Otherwise, my body//soul//mind is completely free from the essence of them. I feel as though Sheila Hilton is empowered by herself, of course I am the ISH times about a billion. I knew that I was the best and the one and only from the beginning, I was dillusional to put petty boys above me. Ah yes, I have found a man in Corbin Bleu. Not a petty retarded boy, but a MAN. I am very pleased with myself for making this decision =]]].

Everything in my life is rainbows and lollipops, wait, scratch that, everything in my life is DIAMONDS and GOLD. I'm relaxing to the peaceful tunes of my FAVORITE music artists ((other than myself)) which is Floetry. 'Say Yes' is my FAV. I've been listening to that song repeatedly ever since I was but 13 years old, && it never tires.

A Toast To All My Fans

Sheila Hilton

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