Friday, April 27, 2007

I love my mom

Haha. Nothing really happened, its Friday and I'm going to party as USUAL. Five-star all the way down to the limos babayyy. The BIRTHDAY is coming up soon!! [[May 27th]]. Better get me somethin' peoples. *cough*SKATEBOARD*cough*. That's the only thing I really want, I basically already have everything, and if I want anything else I can get it with the snap of my french manicured fingers. Haha, I love these conversations I have with my mother::

Mom--Figures you would half do your work. You left a rotten orange on the table.

Sheila Hilton--So?

Mom--Would you give that uh---Milo kid a rotten orange?

Sheila Hilton--Yes...

Mom--Well what about the lead singer?

Sheila Hilton--You mean Marcel?

Mom--Yeah...I can't be rememberin all them names

Sheila Hilton--Then how do you remember Milo...

Mom--WELL would you give the orange to MARCEL?

Sheila Hilton--No

Mom--That's mean, why would you want to give it to Milo then?

Sheila Hilton--No. You said WOULD I give Milo a rotten orange, not DID I WANT to give it to him. I never said I wanted to, but if I did I wouldn't care.

Mom--You are so mean.

Sheila Hilton--I know I'm Sheila Hilton. Plus, common sense says don't eat the freaking orange.

Mom--*shakes her head*That's a shame...

lMB0! I love my mom, but she has to get to know Sheila Hilton a little better, after all, SHE gave me the name for goodness sakes! Oh shut up you little 2 Much fans out there, JESUS. Sheila Hilton is never a fan, only a supporter, and I do support Tre--I mean 2 Much a lot. I hope they do very well. I have nothing against Milo, but foreal I wouldn't care if I gave President Bush a rotten orange. Of course, that isn't saying much...

Oh goshhhhh I'm sounding mean, let me go get ready to party instead of wasting my life on here.

A Toast To All My Fans

Sheila Hilton

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