Friday, April 13, 2007

Four dogs, Animal Psychology

SHEILA HILTON loves dogs. Dogs are my life, ever since I was piddling around in designer diapers I have been in love with dogs and studied them. I wanted to be a Vet up until 7th grade when I decided to venture into Animal Psychology.

Of course I'm still doing my excellent entertainment skills (Vocal, Acting, Dance), but every smart entertainer knows that she must have a back-up job in the academic field.

But this is just insanely off the charts. This is so NOT Sheila Hilton.

So my older sister and her two kids and her husband are going to New York just for vacay. She didn't ask for me to come...I guess its cause I'm Sheila Hilton. I hit New York and all eyes are on me, some people can't handle that...

ANYWAY, so I already have three dogs. Sunny, Heidi, and a couple months ago I got a Chihuahua I named Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Reivers (You better already know of her...). My sister has Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Reivers' brother, and they named him Domino--I know a pretty low-class name, but hey, he's not my pooch so I don't have a say in it. Domino is HUGE by the way, we dont even think he is Chihuahua, he's so big he's probably part Pug or something. This dog is hyperactive, abnormally, and at first I was all for adding another poochy to the dog-loving household, but the second he came in here, Domino has done NOTHING but revved up all my other dogs and attempted to fornicate with them (He isn't neutered, my sister will not listen to me). He is pushing Sheila Hilton over the edge, and Sheila Hilton doesn't let anyone do that.

Thing is...

Sheila Hilton loves animals, and I refuse to hurt them. Don't think for a second that means I'm going soft, I'm still not the one you wanna mess with, but animals, I have a soft spot for. So I'm not going to physically harm the darn thing, I'm going to just...


Sheila Hilton

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