Thursday, April 12, 2007

N.E.R.D---I Dare You To Talk Ish

*Gasp* I haven't written in a while. Wanna know why? Because I HAVE A LIFE.

*Gasp again*
You can choke gasping, I honestly don't was that mean? Let me take a second to pretend like I care...M'KAY I'm done.

ANYWAY, I'm really into this whole Pharrell and Lupe Fiasco skateboard kind of thing. I'm becoming kind of infatuated with the whole thing. N.E.R.D (which stands for No one Ever Really Dies) has become the center of my life. Wait, no, I'm the center of my life, N.E.R.D is certainly second though.

I would love to be on Pharrell's record label (Star Trak) I think it would suit me the best. That or Columbia, or T.U.G of course. I'd love to sing beside 2 Much...Marcel...


In other news, I have joined this agency a couple hours ago and I also entered the MTV My Super Sweet 16 contest. MTV would be insane to not pick me, I mean I'm Sheila Hilton for gracious sakes. If I were old enough, VH1 would be pitching a "Flavor of Sheila Hilton" show to me.

I'm a teen, lets shed some tears. ALRIGHT suck it up now, I already have.

In other news...I am in the middle of a crisis right now. Would you like to know what it is? Of course you would...I'm Sheila Hilton. So basically along with the whole N.E.R.D and Star Trak thing comes skateboarding, that's obvious. And yet, my mother, sweet sweet mother is afraid I'm going to KILL myself so she refuses to get me a skateboard.

I know your just saying, "Well Sheila, then get someone else to get you one." TRIED IT. My older sister was going to get me one after I told my nephew to ask her. Now my mother is going to tell my SISTER to not get it for me. Even if my friend gets me a skateboard, mommy is going to take it away. LOVELY.

How would I look on a freaking SKATEBOARD record label WITH NO SKATEBOARD?!?!?! Ta-DOW has it hit you yet? THIS IS A CRISIS.

Also....heh heh--I have secret news. Unfortunately I can't reveal it because I'm Sheila Hilton, I have no need to explain myself to anyone. Only my mother and I know, and of course the only betch higher than me and that is Vicious Boucree (Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Reivers to YOU). So when that secret news is confirmed then I will put it on blast, but it doesn't matter to you unless you personally know me or go to school with me.

Well it's 9:25 p.m and although I don't need it, I would much rather be clocked out for the night. So I'm going to go get my nighttime tea and GO TO SLEEP.


Sheila Hilton

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