Friday, April 27, 2007

I love my mom

Haha. Nothing really happened, its Friday and I'm going to party as USUAL. Five-star all the way down to the limos babayyy. The BIRTHDAY is coming up soon!! [[May 27th]]. Better get me somethin' peoples. *cough*SKATEBOARD*cough*. That's the only thing I really want, I basically already have everything, and if I want anything else I can get it with the snap of my french manicured fingers. Haha, I love these conversations I have with my mother::

Mom--Figures you would half do your work. You left a rotten orange on the table.

Sheila Hilton--So?

Mom--Would you give that uh---Milo kid a rotten orange?

Sheila Hilton--Yes...

Mom--Well what about the lead singer?

Sheila Hilton--You mean Marcel?

Mom--Yeah...I can't be rememberin all them names

Sheila Hilton--Then how do you remember Milo...

Mom--WELL would you give the orange to MARCEL?

Sheila Hilton--No

Mom--That's mean, why would you want to give it to Milo then?

Sheila Hilton--No. You said WOULD I give Milo a rotten orange, not DID I WANT to give it to him. I never said I wanted to, but if I did I wouldn't care.

Mom--You are so mean.

Sheila Hilton--I know I'm Sheila Hilton. Plus, common sense says don't eat the freaking orange.

Mom--*shakes her head*That's a shame...

lMB0! I love my mom, but she has to get to know Sheila Hilton a little better, after all, SHE gave me the name for goodness sakes! Oh shut up you little 2 Much fans out there, JESUS. Sheila Hilton is never a fan, only a supporter, and I do support Tre--I mean 2 Much a lot. I hope they do very well. I have nothing against Milo, but foreal I wouldn't care if I gave President Bush a rotten orange. Of course, that isn't saying much...

Oh goshhhhh I'm sounding mean, let me go get ready to party instead of wasting my life on here.

A Toast To All My Fans

Sheila Hilton

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pawsome Deelight--New Song

Yes, so I just recorded a LOVELY new song for my dog's band called 'Pawsome Deelight' (( Yes my TWO dogs [[Sunshine D. Miller && Heidi R. Palmer]] do have a band, and now I'm bringing little Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Hilton Reivers the first into it as well. I just featured her on the track titled 'EZ Breezy' its VERRY hot.

My dog Sunshine portrays a gangsta rapper by the stage name of 'Purple Tongue' and Heidi portrays an R&B goddess by the stage name of 'Lil Twinkie'

Galleria, however, has her name 'Galleria Boucree' due to the fact that that is her modeling name and I refuse to change it for every career, then it would become pointlessly confusing. They are actuallly doing very well for a project that I just did for fun. People...erm...dogs, want them to have an album!

Of course Sheila Hilton would be HAPPY to do this for her loves =]]].

I'm sure you all would be estatic to know that I no longer have any feelings towards 'Trey & Frank'. I'm trying my best to get off of the hatred on 'Franchesca' but that's a work in progress...>:\

Otherwise, my body//soul//mind is completely free from the essence of them. I feel as though Sheila Hilton is empowered by herself, of course I am the ISH times about a billion. I knew that I was the best and the one and only from the beginning, I was dillusional to put petty boys above me. Ah yes, I have found a man in Corbin Bleu. Not a petty retarded boy, but a MAN. I am very pleased with myself for making this decision =]]].

Everything in my life is rainbows and lollipops, wait, scratch that, everything in my life is DIAMONDS and GOLD. I'm relaxing to the peaceful tunes of my FAVORITE music artists ((other than myself)) which is Floetry. 'Say Yes' is my FAV. I've been listening to that song repeatedly ever since I was but 13 years old, && it never tires.

A Toast To All My Fans

Sheila Hilton

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Get the HECK out of here, no way, this ain't happened for the whole 15 years I've been on this Earth.

Someone put another girl before Sheila Hilton.

I know yall are all gaspin' for breath and dyin' to know what went down, well I'm tellin' you right now, I refuse to use real names so let's refer to this girl as...Franchesca. And the boys as Trey and Frank. The names aren't the best, but my point is to tell this freakin' story before I lose it and wind up on the news for opening a can of...ugh nevermind. Sheila Hilton doesn't loose her cool. Sheila Hilton doesn't let em see her sweat.

So Sheila Hilton just happened to have very high-class taste, as usual, and decided to honor a "budding" celebrity I guess you would call him, by actually having romantic feelings toward him. Sheila Hilton commented him every now and then, leaving some love on his page. Sheila Hilton even had the decency to take time out of her busy schedule to comment his page. Now this boy, is Trey. Trey happens to have the same Zodiac sign as Sheila Hilton, so she knows exactly what is going on inside of his brain, which could be an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

So I, Sheila Hilton, waited, and waited, and waited for SEVERAL MONTHS to recieve some kind of acknowledgement from "Trey" and for months she recieved no recognition. Appalled and a little bruised, I of course realized that Sheila Hilton was too good for Trey. So I quit honoring him with my affection, and I showered, more like trickled it upon another "budding" celebrity which is an EXCELLENT friend of Trey's, and we're going to call him "Frank."

Frank is a thug. Quite like New York and Chance I guess, and Trey was Tango, for lack of a better metaphor. So anyway, I trickled some of my affection upon Frank, realize I was still bruised from my experience with Trey. I did this, came up with the wittiest comments, high-class conversation starters all the way and guess what?...

Frank had no respect for me either. I got no form of recognition from him just like Trey. I thought, well Frank might understand that he is good-looking, and he should grasp the skill of managing several ladies who are "in love" with him. God, I wasn't even in love with him, I just thought maybe he was worth my time...

Boy was I wrong.

So I'm bringing up Franchesca now because I just happened to..erm.."call" her, a term I'm using for sake of not revealing the true situation, and I heard her "answering machine" and she had several "messages" from Trey and Frank.

But I thought that Trey and Frank didn't have the time to "answer their phone calls"? I thought that Trey and Frank we're much too "busy" with their...whatever they do. No, thing was, they had time for "Franchesca" they had time to "call her and leave her messages" but SHEILA HILTON they dared to ignore?

Buggin'. Straight up, they're both buggin'. I could care less? Does it look like I care? I don't give a flip. Ya' kno? Yadadamean? They can go play in traffic, stick their heads in blenders, or fail in life. I knew I should have stuck to already established celebrities...ones that actually appreciate Sheila Hilton and her amazingness.

Corbin Bleu for example. When we spoke, yes we did speak, he called me "awesome." I'll bet you any kind of money that, that father of his, David Reivers, raised a respectful young man that knows how to treat a woman. Especially one of such high status such as Sheila Hilton.

It's no problem, all I learned from this was to stick with my A-listers, not my B...well more like Z...NAHHH.

Trey and Frank don't even make ANY list. Not even the Z-list.

Aww that was mean. Let me take a second to pretend like I care...m'kay done. I can't waste my life on nobodies.

For all of you out there that love me for me, thank you, I really do appreciate all of the love. You guys have been there from start to finish, and I LOVE you guys. All of my "haters" shall we call them? Yes, well you "Sheila Hilton dislikers" can shove all of your rudeness up your---nostrils. I have class, I don't curse under any circumstances, or speak of disgusting un-ladylike things.

Sheila Hilton

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Chores suck.

And should be left to people who aren't Sheila Hilton.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Four dogs, Animal Psychology

SHEILA HILTON loves dogs. Dogs are my life, ever since I was piddling around in designer diapers I have been in love with dogs and studied them. I wanted to be a Vet up until 7th grade when I decided to venture into Animal Psychology.

Of course I'm still doing my excellent entertainment skills (Vocal, Acting, Dance), but every smart entertainer knows that she must have a back-up job in the academic field.

But this is just insanely off the charts. This is so NOT Sheila Hilton.

So my older sister and her two kids and her husband are going to New York just for vacay. She didn't ask for me to come...I guess its cause I'm Sheila Hilton. I hit New York and all eyes are on me, some people can't handle that...

ANYWAY, so I already have three dogs. Sunny, Heidi, and a couple months ago I got a Chihuahua I named Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Reivers (You better already know of her...). My sister has Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Reivers' brother, and they named him Domino--I know a pretty low-class name, but hey, he's not my pooch so I don't have a say in it. Domino is HUGE by the way, we dont even think he is Chihuahua, he's so big he's probably part Pug or something. This dog is hyperactive, abnormally, and at first I was all for adding another poochy to the dog-loving household, but the second he came in here, Domino has done NOTHING but revved up all my other dogs and attempted to fornicate with them (He isn't neutered, my sister will not listen to me). He is pushing Sheila Hilton over the edge, and Sheila Hilton doesn't let anyone do that.

Thing is...

Sheila Hilton loves animals, and I refuse to hurt them. Don't think for a second that means I'm going soft, I'm still not the one you wanna mess with, but animals, I have a soft spot for. So I'm not going to physically harm the darn thing, I'm going to just...


Sheila Hilton

Thursday, April 12, 2007

N.E.R.D---I Dare You To Talk Ish

*Gasp* I haven't written in a while. Wanna know why? Because I HAVE A LIFE.

*Gasp again*
You can choke gasping, I honestly don't was that mean? Let me take a second to pretend like I care...M'KAY I'm done.

ANYWAY, I'm really into this whole Pharrell and Lupe Fiasco skateboard kind of thing. I'm becoming kind of infatuated with the whole thing. N.E.R.D (which stands for No one Ever Really Dies) has become the center of my life. Wait, no, I'm the center of my life, N.E.R.D is certainly second though.

I would love to be on Pharrell's record label (Star Trak) I think it would suit me the best. That or Columbia, or T.U.G of course. I'd love to sing beside 2 Much...Marcel...


In other news, I have joined this agency a couple hours ago and I also entered the MTV My Super Sweet 16 contest. MTV would be insane to not pick me, I mean I'm Sheila Hilton for gracious sakes. If I were old enough, VH1 would be pitching a "Flavor of Sheila Hilton" show to me.

I'm a teen, lets shed some tears. ALRIGHT suck it up now, I already have.

In other news...I am in the middle of a crisis right now. Would you like to know what it is? Of course you would...I'm Sheila Hilton. So basically along with the whole N.E.R.D and Star Trak thing comes skateboarding, that's obvious. And yet, my mother, sweet sweet mother is afraid I'm going to KILL myself so she refuses to get me a skateboard.

I know your just saying, "Well Sheila, then get someone else to get you one." TRIED IT. My older sister was going to get me one after I told my nephew to ask her. Now my mother is going to tell my SISTER to not get it for me. Even if my friend gets me a skateboard, mommy is going to take it away. LOVELY.

How would I look on a freaking SKATEBOARD record label WITH NO SKATEBOARD?!?!?! Ta-DOW has it hit you yet? THIS IS A CRISIS.

Also....heh heh--I have secret news. Unfortunately I can't reveal it because I'm Sheila Hilton, I have no need to explain myself to anyone. Only my mother and I know, and of course the only betch higher than me and that is Vicious Boucree (Galleria Manhattan Twinkie Boucree Reivers to YOU). So when that secret news is confirmed then I will put it on blast, but it doesn't matter to you unless you personally know me or go to school with me.

Well it's 9:25 p.m and although I don't need it, I would much rather be clocked out for the night. So I'm going to go get my nighttime tea and GO TO SLEEP.


Sheila Hilton

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Tila Tequila, New York, and now Sheila Hilton

I love it. I love it all. I love people who are on television and are just the rudest, snobbiest, and utmost intolerable. I love people who just don't care about what others think about them. I admire that more than anything. Some people on television do it in a way that's just downright ick, but some people do it in a way that they gain my respect.

And that's a HARD thing to get from Sheila Hilton

I don't give respect, I get it. And yet there are those select few who have conquered what others have attempted and yet failed to gain. I myself am not that way, you won't find me screaming "I'm the HBIC!" up in your face, but I am one who is high maintenance and am not afraid to show it. I'm never rude to anyone unless I have to be, and the only reason anyone has to be jealous of me is because I'm so SEXY. Not pretty, but SEXY. If you get on my bad side, you'll never see light again, if your on my good side your living the high life.

A toast to all my fans

Sheila Hilton