Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cross My Mind

Jill Scott is a genius. I love all of her music.

My birthday is coming up, of course I'm going to dinner at the Lamont with a few gal pals that are in my V.I.P.

Remember Domino?

He's sick.

I actually hope he feels better


Oh geez, look at me being nice. I guess Im in a good mood today.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Trey actually attempts a comeback

I'm Sheila Hilton aren't I? Yes of course I am because GUESS who just--ahem--let's just say "called" me today?

Mr. "Trey" I'm-not-that-famous-yet himself (If you've been reading my past blogs, you'd know TREY is his codename). Yes he "called" asking me for--hmm *thinking of another code metaphor*--my "ringtone". Actually, he "called" me yesterday, but since I've excluded him from my life, I made him squirm and wait a whole nother day. You see, Trey, is a Gemini, like I said before, and me being a strong Gemini myself, I know everything about him without even seeing him. Gemini's are impatient, cocky, and above all else hyperactive. They hate being left out of things, especially if they were a part of it.

Oh you didn't know? That was my plan the whole time.

You see, Sheila Hilton, has connections. Connections to things you could only dream of, but I never reveal my sources. So I got this little tip that Trey's NEWEST song hasn't hit ANY outside sources other than the studio. I got my little tip birdie to fly on down and pick me up the full length song, and I uploaded--erm--put it on my "cell-phone". Now, Trey heard my "ringtone" and was immediately stunned at the fact that Sheila Hilton actually holds in her hands one of his songs that isn't released.

This is the best part...

So then "Trey" the "Trey" that NEVER answered me back when I used to like him, the "Trey" that NEVER acknowledged my presence on planet Earth, decided to take the time out of his freaking retarded schedule to put me on a pedastal. He asked me where did I get my "ringtone". So after a day, I gave him the useless link--erm--"uploading store?" idk I'm running out of metaphors. Oh, another thing, Gemini's are sneaky. Ughhh, watch "trey" just TAKE the song, put it on his--"phone"--and then not even thank me. Like I care though, he can have that trashy piece of manure.

Hah I left Frank a message, it was lovely actually. Gemini's are talented actors, and me being a professional actress anyway I left Frank a phone message (No that isn't a metaphor, I really called the "fan hotline"), of course he didn't answer, did Frank ever make time for me before? Nopeeee, so this isn't any different. So of course I didn't want him to answer either, I wanted to leave a message anyway.

So this is what I said, God I can't think of it without laughing. lMB0. Okay this is what I said (I faked like I was talking to someone in the background)::

"hunh? did they answer?--hello, hello, HELLO!--yeah maybe this is the answering machine--of course they never answer for us--lets hang up, we're wasting time--I mean we woulda been better off calling Corbin--*laugh*"

Then I hung up. BRILLANT isn't it? I had completely removed them from my life but no one can resist Sheila Hilton, and I knew they would come back begging before too long.

Too bad Corbin couldn't resist me before they finally realized what they were missing.

"Its over, its over now, move over, its my turn now, its over, the game's shut down...SORRY!"

Have fun with your little skanky sticky weave-wearing groupies



Sheila Hilton

Wednesday, May 2, 2007